Tuesday, December 27, 2011

哭了 crying

作曲: 李泉 • 作詞: 李泉 • 編曲: Ricky Ho

雨又在下了 看外面又溼了
again the rain started, again it got wet outside
我一直等著 讓屋裡燈都亮著
i've been waiting, left all the lights on in the house
這樣傷心地睡了 這樣壓抑地醒了
fell asleep with such sadness, woke up with such repression
想著你要來了 可該變的都變了
thought you were finally coming, yet everything that could change has changed

孤獨是什麼 心冷是什麼
what was lonliness, what was despair
情是什麼 你是什麼
what was love, what were you
我不要再想了 我已經倦了
i didn't want to think anymore, i was too tired
我不想再唱了 我已經哭了
i didn't want to sing anymore, i was already crying

想陪你坐著 想聽你說著
wanted to sit beside you, wanted to listen to you talking
想知道我值得 以為我們還愛著
wanted to know that i'm worth it, thought we were still in love
把窗戶都開著 風也是涼的
left the windows open, the chill wind blowing
我一個人唱歌 聲音也變成冷的
alone i was singing, my voice turned icy

而孤獨是什麼 心冷是什麼
yet what was lonliness, what was despair
情是什麼 你是什麼
what was love, what were you
我不要再想了 我已經倦了
i didn't want to think anymore, i was too tired
我不想再唱了 我已經哭了
i didn't want to sing anymore, i was already crying

而孤獨是什麼 心冷是什麼
yet what was lonliness, what was despair
情是什麼 你是什麼
what was love, what were you
我不要再想了 我已經倦了
i didn't want to think anymore, i was too tired
我不想再唱了 我已經哭了
i didn't want to sing anymore, i was already crying

我不想再唱了 我已經哭了
i didn't want to sing anymore, i was already crying

again the rain started.....



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