Wednesday, December 14, 2011

太聰明 too smart

作詞:陳綺貞 作曲:陳綺貞 編曲:鍾成虎

the me you've always thought of as an enigma
在你了解了以後 其實也沒什麼
after you broke the code, there was really nothing to it

我總是忽冷又忽熱 隱藏我的感受 
I've been inconsistently passionate, trying to hide my feelings
只是怕 愛你的心被你看透
simply terrified to have you see through my heart that was in love with you

猜的沒錯想得太多 不會有結果 
guess i was right, over-thinking led to nothing
被你看穿了以後 我更無處可躲
after you saw me through, there was nowhere for me to hind

I started to regret, that I shouldn't have tried too hard to be smart about us
afraid that i'll ruin it with my own hands

我猜著你的心 要再一次確定
tried to guess your heart, I wanted to reassure
this far distance between us, it was all because I was trying to be too smart
要猜著你的心 要再一次確定 
to guess your heart, I wanted to reassure
the chaotic thoughts, it was all because i wanted too much to be close to you

猜的沒錯想得太多 不會有結果 
guess i was right, over-thinking led to nothing
被你看穿了以後 我更無處可躲
after you saw me through, there was nowhere for me to hind
I started to regret, that I shouldn't have tried to hard to be smart
afraid that i'll ruin it with my own hands
afraid that i'll ruin it with my own hands
I started to regret, that I shouldn't have tried to hard to be smart
afraid that i'll ruin it with my own hands

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