Monday, December 12, 2011

香奈兒 chanel

作曲: 王菲 • 編曲: 張亞東 • 填詞: 林夕

王子挑選寵兒 外套尋找它的模特兒
the prince picks his favorite, the coat picks its model
那麼多的玻璃鞋 有很多人適合 沒有獨一無二
so many glass slippers, they fit a lot of people, no one is unique

我是誰的安琪兒 你又是誰的模特兒
who's angle am i? who's model are you?
親愛的 親愛的 
my darling, my darling

讓你我 好好配合 
let you and i carefully cooperate
讓你我 慢慢選擇
let you and i slowly decide
你快樂 我也快樂 
when you're happy, i'm happy as well
你是模特兒 我是香奈兒 
you're the model, i'm your chanel
香奈兒 香奈兒 香奈兒 香奈兒
chanel, chanel, chanel, chanel

嘴唇挑選顏色 感情尋找它的 模特兒
the lips pick their color, romance picks it's model
衣服掛在櫥窗 有太多人適合 沒有獨一無二
clothing in the display, they fit too many people, no one is unique

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