過期 expired
作曲: 陳韋怜 • 作詞: 陳韋怜
就這麼 匆促的 來不及 相信 包裝的說明
just like this, in such a rush, not enough time to trust, the instructions on the package
就這麼 忽略了 錯過了 應該 服用的日期
just like this, ignored, missed, the date it should be taken
就這麼 冷靜的 清楚的 放棄 製造的產品
just like this, calmly, clearly, given up, the product that was made
就這麼 脆弱的 標示的 兩年 一切的真空
just like this, fragilely, noted, two years, all became vacant
就這麼過期 我們的愛情
just like this, it expired, our love
就慢慢死去 我們的愛情
just dying slowly, our love
地老天荒 是塑膠袋的壽命
till the end of the world, is the life expectancy of plastic bags
the only thing that expires is love
就這麼 慢慢的 一點點 消失 永恆的可能性
just like this, slowly, bit by bit, disappeared, the possibility for eternality
就這麼 坦然的 勇敢的 承認 遺忘的本能
just like this, blatantly, courageously, admitted, the instinct to forget
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