Thursday, December 29, 2011

無常 anitya

作曲: 王菲 • 填詞: 王菲

夜風微涼 樹搖月晃 
the chill of a nightly breeze, the swaying trees and the drifting moon
雲兒在飛 我在想
the clouds were floating, i was contemplating
水流 花兒香 
the water flew, the blossoms aromatic
this nightly scenery has a place on my mind

喜中帶憂 暗中有光 
the sorrow in happiness, the light in gloom
怎麼度 怎麼量
how do you measure, now do you compute
田野 山崗 
the wild fields, the shallow hills
the melancholy embedded in a beautiful view


你看那山色湖光 你看那藍天白楊 
look at the mountains and the lakes, look at the sky and the willows
can't find a hint of scarcity
你再看藍天碧浪 你再看晚霞曙光
then look at the sky and the waves, then look at the sunset and the dawn
禁不住匆匆忙忙 把希望留給失望
the hastiness notwithstanding, leaving the hope to disappointment

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