Tuesday, January 24, 2012

只願為你守著約 wish only to keep my promises for you

作曲: 黃舒駿 • 填詞: 黃舒駿

我沒有感覺 除了等你 我的心如止水
I have no feelings, other than waiting for you, my heart is like still water
我痴心守約 不願更改一點點 
whole-heartedly keeping my promise, i'm unwilling to change a thing

是什麼世界 還有我們這般遙遠的苦戀
what kind of a world exists such bloomy, distant romance like ours
我什麼不缺 只貪有你在身邊 
wanting nothing, i crave only for your company by my side

許多人在周圍 我卻從未眷戀
surrounded by many people , but i've never cared
再也沒有人像你給我 那初見顫動的感覺
no one else have given me, the feeling that trembled me when we first met

我只願為你守著約 我的心永遠那麼恬
I wish only to keep my promises for you, my heart will always stay calm
也許孤單寂寞 但心中依然無悔 也無怨
lonely perhaps, yet inside my heart, there is no regrets, no complaints

我只願為你守著約 我的心從沒有走遠
I wish only to keep my promises for you, my heart has never gone far
不管陰晴圓缺 不管時間空間 
through the alternating phases of the moon, through time and space
this won't change as long as i shall live
再長的路 縱然距離遙遠 我能穿越
however long the road, however far the distance, I will get through

想念著你的笑 我忍不住流淚
ruminating on your smile, I could no longer hold my tears
再也沒有人比我瞭解 那愛得堅決的滋味
no one understands better than I do, the taste of a stubborn love

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