Monday, October 31, 2011

小塵埃 little dusts

作詞:陳綺貞  作曲:陳綺貞  編曲:李雨寰  吉他手 • Track 11

他在五點十分醒來 他在清晨時候離開 透明的玻璃窗沾滿小塵埃 
he woke up at 5:10, he left at dawn, the transparent pane was covered in little dusts
我在這裡 比黑暗更深的夜裡  
I was here, in the night deeper than gloom
張開眼睛 陌生人寄來一封信
opened my eyes, and saw a letter from a stranger

我在清晨時候醒來 帶著他的暗示離開 在跌倒的地方勇敢站起來 
i woke up at dawn, left with his hints, stood up with courage where I fell
我在這裡 我在你昨天的夢裡 
I was here, in your dream from last night
一片烏雲 一座神秘的小森林 
a dark cloud overhead, a mysterious little forest

誰來擁抱我 保護我 傷害我 放棄我 
who came to embrace me, protect me, hurt me, give me in
擁抱我 保護我 帶著我逃到黑暗的盡頭 
embrace me, protect me, take me and escape to the end of gloom 
擁抱我 保護我 或是傷害我 放棄我 
embrace me, protect me, or  hurt me, give me in
擁抱我 保護我 帶著我逃到黑暗的盡頭  
embrace me, protect me, take me and escape to the end of gloom
waiting for him 

他在午夜時分回來 帶著憂傷的歌把回憶敲開 
he came back at the midnight hours, knocked opened the memories with melancholy songs
我在這裡 手提著沉重的行李 
i was here, with heavy luggage in my hands
lost in my unfinished journey with you
你在哪裡 一道解不開的謎題 
where were you? an unsolvable puzzle
hidden in my unfinished work with you
hidden in my unfinished work with you

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

每天都是一種練習 everyday is a practice

作曲:陳綺貞 • 作詞:陳綺貞
好幾天 了沒有 你的 消息 
after several days without your message
才發現 其實 想著 你 
i realized that i actually missed you
當愛被 緊緊的 鎖在 心底 
when love is locked deep down my heart
自由就 張開翅膀 飛出去 
freedom then flies away with open wings

還需要 一點 幽默的心情 
still need a little heart for humor
才能 面對你 失望的離去 
i can then face the fact that you left with disappointment
快樂的 氣氛也許 能暫時逃避 
the joyous atmosphere perhaps can provide a temporary escape
卻又讓 傷害 更徹底 
yet it cuts the wound even deeper

我被 恐懼 深深的囚禁 
I am imprisoned by fear
我沒有 力氣 逃出  去
I have no strength to run away
每一天 都是 新的 練習 
everyday is a new practice
用今天 換走 過去 
to replace the past with today
用明天 換走 失去的
to replace the lost with tomorrow

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

靈感 inspiration

靈感 inspiration
詞/曲:陳綺貞 • 還是會寂寞 • Track 9

what is it that i can't get out of my head
what is it that is unknown in the dusk
overwhelmed by my adoration for you
paralyzed by my dependence on you

all the waiting eventually turned into emptiness
all the emptiness eventually couldn't keep you buried
也許是偶然 被你深深寵愛
incidentally perhaps, you had me spoiled
也許是偶然 你將我遺忘
incidentally perhaps, you had me forgotten

失去了你 美麗只是面具
if i lose you, my beauty would just be a mask
失去了你 善變只是遊戲
if i lose you, my caprice would just be a game
失去你 流浪只是逃避
if i lose you, my wandering would just be an escape 
失去你 愛情只是抄襲
if i lose you, my love would just be plagiarism 

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