Sunday, November 13, 2011

一起去巴黎 going to Paris together

作詞:陳綺貞 • 作曲:李雨寰

昨天我們決定 明年我們要一起去巴黎
yesterday we decided, next year we're going to Paris together
要先一起補習 至少學會說一句我愛你
let's cram together, at least learn to say 'I love you'
我想我還不夠聰明 還好有你陪我練習 
I think I'm not smart enough, thank god you're here to practice with me
要去巴黎 叭啦叭叭
going to Paris, ba~la~pa~pa~

昨天我們決定 明年我們要一起去巴黎
yesterday we decided, next year we're going to Paris together
要先鍛鍊體力 誰都不許感冒 不許生病
let's work out together, no one is allowed to catch a cold nor get sick
打工賺錢 準備行李 
working part-time to save money, getting the luggage ready
帶著地圖 坐上飛機 
bringing along a map, getting on a flight
要去巴黎 叭啦叭叭
going to Paris, ba~la~pa~pa~

不過明天的事 誰知道 
and yet who knows about tomorrow
not the you today
今天的我 今天 過了就好
the me today care about getting by just for the day

雖然明天的事 誰知道 
and though no one knows about tomorrow
but I know the you tomorrow
明天的我 希望明天 快來到
the me tomorrow hope that tomorrow can come sooner

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