Monday, November 14, 2011

蜉蝣 mayflies

作詞:陳綺貞 • 作曲:陳綺貞

滿天星星對我說 我這裏有一個夢
the canopy of stars told me,  here I had a dream
想到了你 就抬起頭 傾聽

whenever I thought of you, I raised my head, and listened
馬路上匆匆忙忙 小小灰色螢火蟲
rushing in the streets, little gray fireflies
疲倦的心 關上了燈 不作夢

exhausted hearts, turned of the lights, dreamed no more

每一天睜開眼 我們都是蜉蝣

opened our eyes everyday,  we were all mayflies
平平凡凡生活 轟轟烈烈追逐一個夢
led an ordinary life, chased after a dream with no regrets
一眨眼 我們都只不過是

in the blink of an eye, we were nothing but
感情過剩的花朵 除了快樂 別無所求
overly sentimental flowers,  desired nothing but pleasure

睜開眼 生活中的小丑
opened their eyes, the clowns in life
只因為遇見你 變成擁抱大海的水手
having met you, I became a sailor and embraced the ocean
一眨眼 我們都只是夏天
in the blink of an eye, we were only the summer
擁有過的季節 只有你真的 屬於我
in all the seasons I held, only you belonged to me for real
擁有過的季節 只有你真的屬於我
in all the seasons I held, only you belonged to me for real

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